Songwriter Building Blocks Downloads

Songwriter Building Blocks are free to use as you see fit. All I ask is that you credit me if you release anything that uses them (a credit pack is included in the download) and that you consider me if you ever need bespoke guitar recorded for your tracks.

There’s no obligation, but if you do release anything that uses them please let me know as I’d love to hear it and share it. And if you have any suggestions for future blocks or ways I can improve them just drop me an email –

Acoustic Strum 100bpm

Simple strummed acoustic guitar (Taylor 312CE). Mostly open chords, plus F, Bm and Bb so you have all the chords you need for the keys of C, F and G. Dry mono files for those who want to add their own effects and stereo files with reverb if you just want to use them with minimum extra processing.

Acoustic Picked 80bpm

Simple picked acoustic guitar (Taylor 312CE). Mostly open chords, plus F, Bm and Bb so you have all the chords you need for the keys of C, F and G.

Overdrive Chug 120bpm

Palm muted power chord chugging on a Gibson Les Paul through an old-school style Marshall amp emulation for a Heavy Rock type sound. Power chords for all the natural notes.

Overdrive Open 120bpm

Open power chords on a Gibson Les Paul through an old-school style Marshall amp emulation for a Heavy Rock type sound. Power chords for all the natural notes.

Acoustic 12 String Strum 105bpm

Strummed Seagull 12 String acoustic guitar through a Rode-NT1A condenser microphone. Open Major and Minor chords, plus F, Bb and Bm.

Telecaster SWung Strum 120bpm

Strummed LSL Telecaster through a lightly overdriven Fender tweed style amp. Gentle swing to the rhythm. Open Major and Minor chords, plus F, Bb and Bm

Acoustic 12 String Picked 105bpm

Picked Seagull 12 String acoustic guitar through a Rode-NT1A condenser microphone. Open Major and Minor chords, plus F, Bb and Bm.

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